On 21 Oct 2021 at 19:00 JMS Accounting will make a presentation on Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning with special focus on Property.
Landlords are not deemed as trading businesses. Therefore, on death of owners/ directors, they do not enjoy relief like trading businesses, where available to them is 100% Business Property Relief.
Upon their death, each individual is taxed at a rate of 40pc on all their assets above a threshold of £325,000.
Things subject to the tax:
• Cash
• Investments
• Property
• Vehicles
• Life insurance pay-outs
An exemption for a “family home allowance” applies to a family home going to direct descendants only. Ultimately, this means that married couples will be able to use their combined allowances to pass estates worth up to £1m onto their direct descendants.
This presentation will outline many of the issues surrounding IHT and suggest some planning which will help to reduce the IHT bill and allow assets to pass on to family members.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session where Jiten Shah will answer questions from the audience.
Priority will be given to questions emailed in advance so that fully informed answers can be given at the event. (the email address will be provided after booking).
Please click on the link below to register via our Eventbrite page.